Project Droidshop & Melting Point Announcement


Hello Everyone! Kaen here with some hot news. Over the last few weeks I've been posting some teasers of a possible return of Melting Point. Well let me get the disappointment out of the way first Melting Point will not be returning just yet. Now hold up before you click off let me explain myself quickly.

Melting Point Pt.1

As you all know by now Melting Point had a couple of production issues, being our studio's first ever project Melting Point went through a lot. Admittedly wasn't ready to manage a project at the scale of Melting Point as well at the time. Melting Point's biggest issues was finances, there wasn't enough money left to keep paying everyone and after the public demo release in March of last year the game didn't generate enough money for production to continue at that very moment. This as you can see ended with LustFire the primary artist of Melting Point and Goblins Can Save the Day! leaving the studio for some time. However...

LustFire's Return

If LustFire left the studio originally why did he return you may ask? Well it's quite simple, I asked him to. LustFire and I were never on bad terms after how everything ended, we're both just guys trying to find our place in the world. There was only 1 person who could bring this new project idea to light and that was him.

New Project Droidshop

That new project being Project Droidshop! In the last 2 months I was approached by an indie programmer named Kurushō who played Melting Point and loved what we did with the repair mini-game and Tin's interactions in dialogue, which inspired him to  want to create his own H-Game. We begun talking and eventually we realized that a lot of the ideas for a game he wanted to create was already a few ideas present in Melting Point!

Play as an innocent Blacksmith who's just trying to get by in this harsh city. Earn money and buy new equipment to become the best Cybernetic Repair Shop in Town!

Project Droidshop Synopsis: In a futuristic Dystopia everyone has a job to do to make a living. Yours? You run a repair shop who repairs broken androids and the the robotic limbs of cyborgs. Repair, improve, and bond with the different individuals who enter your shop in search of repairs, upgrades, and even just companionship.

Planned Gameplay Features (Subject to Change):

  • Story Mode - Play through 30 day story where you live through a snippet of your life. Along the way you may make some chance encounters with a few special individuals.
  • Endless Mode - Play through the game endlessly until you run out of cash and you have to close down shop! 
  • Create a Droid - Pop open the character creator and create your perfect Cyberpunk Cybernetic Waifu!
  • Sex sex sex! - Wether its a customers who's buttons you pressed just right, or your own Cybernetic Waifu it's time to have some fun!

How do you all like the sound of that? While it's not a 1:1 it is close enough where I kind of see this project as Melting Point's successor in some ways. This project has been in pre-production for the last 2 months and starting now I can confidently say it's in active production alongside Monster XXXperiment.

Melting Point Pt.2

But why did you bait and switch us with Tin like Melting Point is returning? Well because Melting Point is still making plans to return both LustFire, Myself, and the rest of AstroKaen wants to complete that project but our vision of it is far too grand to complete it currently. But...what if we could bite size down that vision a bit? Project Droidshop is currently in active development and it's using a lot of assets and programming that was initially left over from Melting Point as a basis such as it's Visual Novel like system, and ideas from its repair mini-game. So what does that mean? Well in my eyes that means that once Project Droidshop, a much smaller game in comparison is complete we can use some of the systems created here and use it as framework for those same systems in Melting Point in the future!

Project Droidshop Development

Now that Project Droidshop is in active development I will be posting a combination of public and Patreon only exclusive content once a week. Nebula and higher tier Patrons will be able to play early prototype builds of Project Droidshop as they become available. The difference compared to Melting Point is that our plan for Project Droidshop is to lead up to a Kickstarter so we can get all of the funds to complete and commit to completing the project all at once, rather than hoping on Patreon to become a super success (However if the latter happens we wouldn't need to create a Kickstarter). This way we don't plan to take any money from you guys (Prototypes for Nebula or above just being an add-on to benefits already given to those tiers) until we know that the project will be completely funded.

Will this affect production of Monster XXXperiment in anyway?

No. The teams for both projects are for the most part different except for the writer. Lustfire and Kurusho are the Artist and Programmer for Project Droidshop, while SZ, Levy, and Dragoon are the Artists and Programmer for Monster XXXperiment. WhiteFeather as of right now will be writing for both projects.


I hope you all are excited for what's to come next out of our studio. We're working extremely hard to find a place in the market and all of your hearts and we hope you continue to enjoy our content.

Thank you so much for supporting AstroKaen!

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I've been keeping an eye on Melting Point for a while.  Excited to hear you managed to get "the band" back together.  I wish you all the best for Project Droidshop, and here's to hoping Melting Point springs back to life as well somewhere down the road!


das pretty gud :O