Let's Catch Up

Kaen here, I would like to begin first and foremost by saying I’m really sorry for the radio silence and lack of updates the past month. I understand so many of you have been excited for the next update of Monster XXXperiment and for far too long now everytime I begin to hype up what’s coming next I end up disappointing you all with delays, pushbacks, and now even silence.

The reason for the lack of updates was that I was ashamed, I didn’t know how I could bring myself to tell you all that there was yet another wrench in our plans for the game’s next update. Especially after just making the bold claim that you all will finally be able to play what we’ve worked on. That was a month ago now and there’s no excuse for me keeping you all in the dark wondering.

Especially because of the overwhelming amount of support, emotionally and monetarily you all have given for this project. You all want to see the game completed just as much as all of us at the studio do. But I can fully imagine what was running through some of your heads from the silence, I’m sure many of us have been burnt before by unkept promises.

As the captain of this ship there’s zero excuse for me to not be transparent with you all and I take full responsibility for not handling this situation in the way that I should have. I hope that you all can find it in your hearts to forgive me. I promise that I will continue to improve as the head of AstroKaen and that I will never let this happen again.

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I hope you guys get out of Dev hell, sqaush those bugs!

(1 edit) (+1)

I mean okay....but what happened? Are you guys ok?



There is a beta. A version of it has been released to our Nebula+ Patrons it just hasn't been released here.

but I paid for the game, not for having to pay even more for a patron, I support the game but I think that keeping the game alive for the people who bought it is more important than giving the beta to people who did not buy the game and only employer payment one month


I'm not telling you to support the patreon. One of the benefits of being a patreon is playing builds of the game early that are buggy and have unfinished content. That's their reward for being a subscriber every month.

With a one time purchase you and everyone else buying the game will receive the beta when it's ready. I don't want to release anything that's buggy or unfinished to the masses, and I'm sure you would be highly disappointed if you downloaded a game and you ran into issue after issue.

ok, you have a point


You are forgiven, and if anyone says otherwise, I will cast mend buttcrack on them


Its ok mate,as Far as you all are Fine, then we,or at least me myself,are Fine with It,dont work yourself to exhaustion,Just take your time so you can be the best you and give us the best game possible


With all the craziness going on nowadays its fine to have long breaks in the game making process. Updates don't have to be frequent as long as progress is being made to some extent during

Thank you for the communication, I'm perfectly fine with waiting as long as required since this game is one of the best I've played. Pretty much everything will have delays, especially for games so it's completely normal for things to not go as planned, but you can understand it was a bit worrisome for us. Take all the time you need, I'll wait as long as I need to 


Dw, if anyone complains about it, you'll find them under a bunch of dead animals, and above that an endangered plant!



Shoot, I've got time. Dw about the radio silence I just assume you're busy working and move on with my day as much others do. We're all thrilled for whatever you've been cooking up (even if that was just fixing some bugs, or taking a break) we're here for it all!


The best ones are always the ones who take their time

It's alright if you can't do it now

Eventually you will complete it

(This is my mentality)


Naw man we understand, quality takes time. It's best to just let us know though for future reference- not that you HAVE to, but I'm sure most people here would agree with me that knowing there's a delay is better than radio silence.


Exquisiteness takes time, anf we understand that, dont beat yourself up for what happens in life. We all know that your working hard and it willnbe donw when its done. And when it is, we'll be here :)


I don't think anyone is truly upset. People whine and complain when games are delayed, but its art. Game dev is art and you cant rush that. I appreciate personally that you cared enough to make a statement and apologize to your community. We have nothing hinging on this. Its a limited amount of content, its not like we need to get a jump on it. Whether we play it now, or months from now, we will finish it just the same. Id be much happier with a passionate game than a rushed bug nest. Good luck, and don't beat yourself up. 


Hey it happens, don't beat yourself up about it, like that other guy says its par on the course for stuff on this site besides if your burned out or something happened it aint your fault, if you need rest then rest, if you want to drop it the that's an option after all its your life were talking about so chin up

it seems like a pretty good content


Can I have a turkey sandwich please


umm we got chicken baloney beef duck pork crocodile dog cat lamb goat fish snake but no turkey sorry

some things are beyond our control, I'm just glad you told us


Honestly, "unkept promises" is just par for the course on this site. I've never seen anything from anyone actually get finished. The only time I see a finished game on this site is when it's already in that state when it's first posted. I've just come to accept that when I download something from here, I'm downloading what is going to be its final state, or close to it, regardless of how "finished" it actually is.


It may take some time, but some of them do finish. Look up "Once Upon a Time", for example. It's a great game as well btw


shit happens man, i get it, just give it your best and thats all we ask


It is OK and you are forgiven. You are making a game for us so if it takes long because of the work you are putting in, then it is alright. If you are burnt out take the time to rest. I will wait for next update lol no problems and since i already buy it, im not mad at all so just take it easy and keep up the good content😝✌️
